

骨細胞 (osteocytes)
骨芽細胞 (osteoblasts)
破骨細胞 (osteoclasts)


平成13年度人体構造学概論試験 解答案(英語)

1. 有対性の骨
2. cavum cranii(頭蓋腔)を構成する骨
3. Orbita(眼窩)を構成する骨
4. cavum nasi(鼻腔)を構成する骨
5. Sinus paranasales(副鼻腔)を構成する骨

frontal bone(前頭骨)    
parietal bone(頭頂骨)      
occipital bone(後頭骨)        
sphenoid bone(蝶形骨)  
temporal bone(側頭骨)      
ethmoid bone(篩骨)  
inferior nasal concha(下鼻甲介)      
nasal bone(鼻骨)      
lacrimal bone(涙骨)      
zygomatic bone(頬骨)      
palatine bone(口蓋骨)    
hyoid bone(舌骨)          




1 mandible(下顎骨) 21 capitulum of humerus(上腕骨小頭)
2 clavicle(鎖骨) 22 lateral epicondyle(外側上顆)
3 humerus(上腕骨) 23 talus(距骨)
4 ribs(肋骨) 24 navicular bone(舟状骨)
5 radius(橈骨) 25 5th metatarsal bone(第五中足骨)
6 ulna(尺骨) 26 cuboid bone(立方骨)
7 sacrum(仙骨) 27 calcaneus(踵骨)
8 fibula(腓骨) 28 arcuate line(弓状線)
9 tibia(脛骨) 29 acetabulum(寛骨臼)
10 patella(膝蓋骨) 30 obturator foramen(閉鎖孔)
11 femur(大腿骨) 31 pubic symphysis(恥骨結合)
12 sternum(胸骨) 32 spine of ischium(座骨棘)
13 scapula(肩甲骨) 33 greater sciatic notch(大座骨切痕)
14 coronoid fossa(鉤突窩) 34 anterior superior iliac spine(上前腸骨棘)
15 medial epicondyle(内側上顆) 35 iliac fossa(腸骨窩)
16 trochlea of humerus(上腕骨滑車) 36 iliac crest(腸骨稜)
17 coronoid process(鉤状突起) 37 pelvic sacral foramen(前仙骨孔)
18 tuberosity of ulna(尺骨粗面) 38 promontory(岬角)
19 tuberosity of radius(橈骨粗面) 39 superior articular process(上関節突起)
20 articular circumference(環状関節面) 40 posterior superior iliac spine(上後腸骨棘)

B−left    C−right   (肘関節と足の左右を答える)


平成12年度人体構造学概論試験 解答案(英語)


1 mandible 47 spine of ischium
2 clavicle 48 greater sciatic notch
3 humerus 49 anterior superior iliac spine
4 ribs 50 iliac fossa
5 radius 51 iliac crest
6 ulna 52 pelvic sacral foramen
7 sacrum 53 promontory
8 fibula 54 superior articular process
9 tibia 55 maxilla
10 patella 56 zygomatic arch
11 femur 57 sphenoid bone
12 sternum 58 mandibular fossa
13 scapula 59 styloid process
14 frontal bone 60 carotid canal
15 optic canal 61 jugular foramen
16 sphenoid bone


stylomastoid foramen
17 superior orbital fissure 63 mastoid process
18 sphenoid bone 64 condylar canal
19 zygomatic bone 65 external occipital protuberance
20 inferior orbital fissure 66 occipital bone
21 palatine bone 67 foramen magnum
22 infraorbital foramen 68 occipital condyle
23 maxilla 69 foramen spinosum
24 fossa for lacrimal sac 70 lacerated foramen
25 lacrimal bone 71 oval foramen
26 ethmoid bone 72 vomer
27 anterior ethmoidal foramen 73 greater palatine foramen
28 posterior ethmoidal foramen 74 palatine bone
29 coronoid fossa 75 median palatine suture
30 medial epicondyle 76 incisive foramen
31 trochlea of humerus 77 lesser wing
32 coronoid process 78 anterior clinoid process
33 tuberosity of ulna 79 round foramen
34 tuberosity of radius 80 oval foramen
35 articular circumference 81 foramen spinosum
36 capitulum of humerus 82 arcuate eminence
37 lateral epicondyle 83 jugular foramen
38 talus 84 internal acoustic meatus
39 navicular bone 85 lacerated foramen
40 5th metatarsal bone 86 clivus
41 cuboid bone 87 hypophyseal fossa
42 calcaneus 88 optic canal
43 lateral part 89 vomer
44 arcuate line 90 cribriform plate
45 obturator foramen 91 crista galli
46 pubic symphysis    

B-right    C-left    D-right   (眼窩と肘関節と足の左右を答える)



frontal bone (前頭骨) glabella (眉間)
temporal bone (側頭骨) mastoid process (乳様突起)
occipital bone (後頭骨) external occipital protuberance (外後頭隆起)
mandible (下顎骨) angle of mandible (下顎角)
mental protuberance (オトガイ隆起)
7th cervical vertebra (隆椎) spinous process (棘突起)
ilium (腸骨) anterior superior iliac spine (上前腸骨棘)
scapula (肩甲骨) acromion (肩峰)
humerus (上腕骨) medial epicondyle (内側上顆)
lateral epicondyle (外側上顆)
ulna (尺骨) olecranon (肘頭)
head of ulna (尺骨頭)
radius (橈骨) styloid process (茎状突起)
femur (大腿骨) greater trochanter (大転子)
medial condyle (内側顆)
lateral condyle (外側顆)
tibia (脛骨) medial condyle (内側顆)
medial malleolus (内果)
fibula (腓骨) head of fibula (腓骨頭)
lateral malleolus (外果)
calcaneus (踵骨) tuber of calcaneus (踵骨隆起)


Cranium(頭蓋) → atlas(環椎) → axis(epistropheus)(軸椎) →
→ cervical vertebrae(頸椎) → Vertebra prominens(隆椎) → thoracic vertebrae(胸椎) →
→ ribs(肋骨) → sternum(胸骨) → clavicle(鎖骨) →
→ scapula(肩甲骨) → humerus(上腕骨) → radius(橈骨)・ulna(尺骨) →
→ carpal bones(手根骨) → metacarpal bones(中手骨) →  proximal phalanges(基節骨) →
→ middle phalanges(中節骨) → distal phalanges(末節骨)



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